Green Meadow Farms, Inc.
"Where the Latchstring is always out."
You may have noticed some new signs around driveways at the farm as you drive by, so we wanted to update you all on what is going on. As you may have heard, the HPAI avian bird flu that started in Texas has made its way to Michigan (as well as other states) and has been found in certain dairy cattle. As of right now, we have NOT had any cows affected.
In order to protect dairy herds and poultry flocks, the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development has issued a statewide mandate that started May 8, 2024 for all dairy herds to become biosecure. This mandate includes putting up the signage that we have as well as disinfecting all outside vehicles every time one comes on the farm. This mandate is in effect until further notice. We hope this will be short so we can get those signs taken down! We will miss you all as visitors as we go through this.

The adventures of a farm girl.